I know the name Morinaga for one simple reason: it’s the company behind Hi-Chew, a marvellous line of gummy yogurt fruit candies that can be found in the sugary snacks aisle of well-stocked Asian grocery stores. I adore Hi-Chew, so […]
Tag: sweet
Review: Chocolate Cheerios
Regular Cheerios do nothing for me. Honey Nut Cheerios are a childhood favourite. Apple Cinnamon Cheerios are that strange also-ran flavour that I’ve never had a concrete opinion on. But what about Chocolate Cheerios, the latest addition to the Cheerios […]
Review: Bolthouse Farms’ Green Goodness juice
If there’s a juice that looks more disgusting than Bolthouse Farms’ Green Goodness, I haven’t met it yet. It’s a vile colour of swamp-water green, like liquid from an algae-filled fish pond blended with lawn clippings. If you were going […]
Review: Liberté Mediterranée wild blackberry yogurt
Somewhere along the way, yogurt went from delicious, nutritious food to processed pseudo-food, a scientific experiment that spiralled out of control. See, bad things happen when you start counting calories obsessively. When faced with two yogurts on a dairy-case shelf, […]
Experiment: Organic blue agave nectar as coffee sweetener
When it comes to calories and coffee, it’s the extras that’ll get you. While coffee itself is almost calorie-neutral, the amount of milk and sugar you add can take a mug of brewed coffee from a handful of calories to […]
Recipe: Blueberry Pancakes
It’s Canada Day, and it’s also a long weekend. Instead of passing out and doing nothing until the fireworks start, why not start your day with some very Canadian blueberry pancakes? This recipe is my own personal tried-and-tested variation of […]
Review: General Tao Chicken potato chips
Take potato chips and combine them with General Tao chicken, a staple of North American Chinese food, and what do you get? An OK chip that doesn’t quite hit the mark. Part of the President’s Choice World of Flavours line […]
Review: Palm Bay Spritz vodka coolers
Maybe I’m just too much of an Albertan for my own good, but when I want a refreshing adult beverage, I usually reach for a beer. I’ve tried the occasional cider or cooler here or there, but my overall knowledge […]