T&T is a curious store, isn’t it? It’s part Chinatown market and part western grocery store, with a smattering of other international flavours thrown in to confuse and disorient me. While it’s common to find Hi-Chew (yum!) and Pocky (double […]
Tag: sweet
Review: Miss Vickie’s Balsamic Vinegar and Sweet Onion potato chips
I came late in life to balsamic vinegar, but I’ve grown to adore it. I’m also a long-time fan of salt and vinegar chips, something we used to get on Hot Dog Day at my Winnipeg elementary school, along with […]
How To: Pick Halloween candy, NEAROF! style
Halloween is right around the corner, and you haven’t stocked up on Halloween candy yet. It happens. We won’t judge. But you might want a few candy selection tips before heading out to your local grocery store, and we’re here […]
Review: Oxfam fair trade Bio Cola
As much as I love Coca-Cola, I know there are people who don’t like it for a variety of reasons. Some dislike it on nutritional grounds, while others take issue with the global ubiquity of massively multinational companies. Personally, I […]
Review: R.W. Garcia Thai Sweet and Spicy Tortilla Chips
Unexpected fusion foods tend to capture my attention. Combining one cuisine with another in a culinary mashup can yield both interesting results and unmitigated train wrecks; the results vary widely. In this case, R.W. Garcia Thai Sweet and Spicy Tortilla […]
Review: Wonka Exceptionals Scrumdiddlyumptious chocolate bar
The Pitch: “Greetings to you from Willy Wonka himself!” says the wrapper, which describes the Wonka Exceptionals Scrumdiddlyumptious chocolate bar as “milk chocolate with scrumptious toffee, crispy cookie & crunchy peanuts.” Also, there’s an encouragement to read a book (Roald […]
Review: Twix Coconut chocolate bar
Coconut is all the rage these days. Coconut water has spread far and wide from niche grocery markets catering to tropical tastes, Starbucks has brought their mocha-coconut Frappuccino from Hawaii to the wilds of Canada, and even chocolaty treats like […]
Experiment: Skittlebrau
Homer: I’m feeling kind of low, Apu. Got any of that beer that has candy floating in it? You know, Skittlebrau? Apu: Such a product does not exist, sir. I think you must have dreamed it. Homer: Ohh. Well, then […]