As one of the few sweet snacks considered nutritionally acceptable in my childhood home, I grew fond of Sezme sesame snaps. They made appearances in my lunch box, and were a frequent treat picked up at the supermarket checkout. That […]
Tag: sweet
Review: Dairy Milk Honey Roasted Cashews and Hazelnuts
My wonderful cousin sent me a text about a new series of chocolate bars from Dairy Milk that I had to check out. They had fanciful names like Honey Roasted Cashews and Hazelnuts, Pretzel and Peanut Butter, and Toasted Coconut […]
Review: Highland Maid Scottish Tablet
While ambling about in the Scottish highlands roughly a decade ago, I learned of the glories of both Scottish tablet and Orkney fudge, both crazy-sweet, super delicious confections that still remind me of train trips past shaggy-looking cattle and rocky […]
Review: Kerstin’s Chocophilia Pumpkin Pie chocolate bar
While back in Edmonton for the Christmas holidays, I picked up one of my favourite Edmonton treats at one of my favourite Edmonton haunts: a Kerstin’s Chocophilia chocolate bar, fetched from Transcend Coffee’s Garneau café. I’d never tried the Pumpkin […]
Review: Maple Ice Mints
Made by Big Sky Brands, the same people behind the Sunkist mints I reviewed earlier, these curious new Maple Ice Mints present a strange flavour combination I’d never thought of before: mint and maple. On their own, I like both […]
Review: Aero Peppermint chocolate bar
As previously noted on NEAROF!, I don’t mind Aero. It’s a plain sort of chocolate bar that mixes things up by adding air bubbles instead of raisins or nuts. The Aero Peppermint bar has always seemed a curious extension to […]
Review: Lowney Cherry Blossom
These little chocolate-coated candied cherries have been a staple on Canadian chocolate-bar racks for decades. While other candies and chocolate bars have spent oodles of dough rebranding themselves for the new, more x-treem (shudder) generation, there’s something soothing about seeing […]
Review: Excel Mist peppermint chewing gum
As a kid, Excel’s Chiclets-style pieces of hard-coated chewing gum appealed to me, partially because they had flavour that lasted longer than seven chews – a Chiclets-specific issue I was reminded of every October 31 as I found two-piece fun-sized […]