The yogurt section of any large grocery store is more daunting than the wall of toothbrushes in the pharmacy. They’re all somehow yogurt, but every one claims to be different in some way, and invariably better than all the others. […]
Tag: sugar
Book Review: Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us, by Michael Moss
I will admit to a certain amount of soul-searching about my role running and writing for this website. Any thinking person with a basic understanding of nutrition can’t look at a modern supermarket without at least some measure of horror. […]
Review: Pop Shoppe Got the Blues Raspberry
Some brands thrive, other brands die, and yet others die then come back to life. Such is the case with Pop Shoppe, a soda brand that went flat, fizzled out, etc., in the 1980s, then was brought back from the […]
Review: Safeway Croissant Doughnuts
[fblike] [fbshare] [twitter] [pinterest] With all the recent talk of cronuts – a Brangelina-style portmanteau for croissant donuts – racking up buzz and clicks on the internet, I felt compelled to share with you a treat of similar name that […]
Review: Twinkies
You thought they were dead? Pfft. You can’t kill the Twinkie! Millions – well, maybe thousands – of Canadians were relieved when they learned the impending demise of American food giant Hostess wouldn’t affect their Twinkie fix. Turns out the […]
Food Fight: Peeps vs. No Sugar Added Peeps
I genuinely don’t understand Peeps. I get that they’re made of marshmallow and that they’re meant to look like fluffy yellow chicks. But I don’t get why people would want to eat them by the 10-pack, which is how I […]
Food Fight: Chocolate Easter Eggs
Yes, it’s that time of year again, isn’t it? While the world’s Christians will celebrate the death of rebirth of the son of god, everyone else (and yeah, let’s face it, some of the Christians) will be celebrating the massive […]
Review: Cadbury L’il Scoops Chocolatey Mousse eggs
There’s something great about packaging that makes you say, “Amazing. Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?” For every 500 impossible-to-open plastic clamshell packaging nightmares, someone does something brilliant that makes me smile. Often, that company is Apple. This week, […]