It is well known that I am a white-chocolate apologist. Bellyache all you want about it not being “real” chocolate; I love the sweet, creamy, melty texture of good white chocolate, and I’ve never shied away from defending my position. […]
Tag: creamy
Review: Nescafé Sweet and Creamy Original
K-Cups. Those awful little capsules that cost way too much (which you’d know if you could do basic math, which, statistically speaking, you probably can’t), weigh on the conscience of anyone who thinks about future generations who’ll be stuck on […]
Food Fight: International Delight vs. Starbucks Frappuccino cold coffee beverages
As far as I’m concerned, Starbucks popularized the cold, sweet, milky coffee market, and brought it into the mainstream. Sure, some of us knew about Mr. Brown Iced Coffee before the Frappuccino landed, and other products innovated long before Starbucks […]
Review: Reese Peanut Butter ice cream bars
After trying Reese peanut butter chocolate frozen dessert, as seen on this very website, I was curious to try this new Reese ice cream bar, which has only recently turned up in stores. Given how much I love most other […]
Review: Morinaga Mixed Drops
I know the name Morinaga for one simple reason: it’s the company behind Hi-Chew, a marvellous line of gummy yogurt fruit candies that can be found in the sugary snacks aisle of well-stocked Asian grocery stores. I adore Hi-Chew, so […]