The last in our series of hot chocolate reviews is actually not quite a hot chocolate. Instead, it’s a caffè mocha mix, which is sort of a hybrid between a latte and a hot chocolate. It’s part of Starbucks’ line […]
Tag: chocolate
Review: Tim Hortons Hot Chocolate
Whatever you think of the brand – and regardless of ownership – Tim Hortons is a Canadian institution. No, the donuts aren’t great, and yes, you really should look at the nutritional information before ordering the chili, but the beautiful […]
Review: Camino Original Milk hot chocolate
Yes, the second hot chocolate on my month-long quest is also an organic, fair trade product. See, the Carnation folks really do have a death-grip on the Canadian hot chocolate market, which makes finding alternatives in the grocery store harder […]
Review: Green & Black’s Organic Hot Chocolate Drink
It’s Hot Chocolate Festival month in Calgary, which has me in a hot chocolate state of mind. To celebrate, I’ve decided to write about four different takes on hot chocolate in powdered mix form. I’ve already written about that classic […]
Review: Tim Hortons Gluten-Free Macaroons
If you have any celiac friends, you already know how hard it is to find gluten-free things to eat at a restaurant or café. Every label must be read, and nothing can be left to chance. Asking a staffer if […]
Review: Awake caffeinated chocolate bar
Finally, at long last, a chocolate bar for the student cram session. Not only can you satisfy your snack-craving with an Awake chocolate bar, but you can also get a caffeine jolt equivalent to drinking about 3 cans (355 mL […]
Review: Brookside Dark Chocolate Açai Blueberry candies
These candies are just so downright subversive, aren’t they? Take açai – a buzzy, health-food-store darling of a berry – and, instead of creating some sort of $7 meal replacement bar for hippies turned investment bankers, drench the hell out […]
Food Fight: International Delight vs. Starbucks Frappuccino cold coffee beverages
As far as I’m concerned, Starbucks popularized the cold, sweet, milky coffee market, and brought it into the mainstream. Sure, some of us knew about Mr. Brown Iced Coffee before the Frappuccino landed, and other products innovated long before Starbucks […]