Stop me if I’m repeating myself here, but I have a deep, abiding love for that most perfect snack-aisle pairing: peanut butter and chocolate. While I’ve devoted countless pixels to products from Reese’s, they’re not the only game in town, […]
Tag: canada
Review: Coffee Crisp chocolate wafer bar
I can’t think of a chocolate bar more stereotypically Canadian than Coffee Crisp. In addition to its presence in every grocery store on this side of the border, it has a reputation for being something Canadian expats pine for. Some […]
Review: NEAROF’s Picks from Calgary’s YYC Hot Chocolate Festival 2025
I’m not sure where you’re reading these words, but here’s some helpful context: Canadian Prairie winters are COLD. Once Christmas wraps up for another year, we Albertans can look forward to the bone-chilling months of January, February, and March. If […]
Review: Double Stuf Oreo Cookies
Oreo cookies are a Canadian childhood lunchbox staple, as I’m sure they are in the US. Whether you grew up being eaten alive by mosquitos in Winnipeg or across the border in Minneapolis, these basic cookies transcend national boundaries with […]
Arbitrary: Purdys Almost Perfect chocolates
When you spend good money on fancy chocolates, you want them to look gorgeous, right? Even before your first bite, you eat them with your eyes, taking in the perfectly drizzled coating, admiring the swirled patterns or glossy sheen. They […]
From the Vault: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Giant Metal Baseball Bat
Over two dozen of my university friends have collaborated on a new book called Midlife 2, and we’re only a few days away from its November 24, 2023, release. Are you excited? Because I’m certainly excited. It’s fun making things […]
Review: Quality Street Chocolates
It’s hard to explain, but Canada exists in a sort of in-between world — between continents, between neighbours near and far, between traditions old and new. We exist as part of the colonial past of Great Britain, but also as […]
Review: Say When Authentic Chai Concentrate
We’re going to do this review backwards today, so let me start right up front with the taste. Say When Authentic Chai Concentrate is both basic — no fancy extras — and classic at the same time. The combination of […]