Another treat from south of the border, Pearson’s Nut Goodie bar has been around since 1912, and is apparently not available in Canada. Too bad, that.
The Look: The Nut Goodie packaging is beautifully old-school, with a “Made in the USA” decal and typography that looks like it came from five decades ago. Don’t believe me? Check out this nifty timeline of candy bar wrappers on the Pearson’s Candy Company website .
The Pitch: “The Original Flavor!” (The American spelling of flavour always weirds me out.) “Real milk chocolate nut clusters.”
The Taste: The bar consists of a whipped maple core topped with peanuts, then coated in real milk chocolate. The taste is VERY sweet, with a strong peanut and chocolate taste, and subdued maple notes. It’s a really nice combination of flavours.

Cost: $0.99 at Bartell Drugs in Seattle, U.S.A. Gifted to NEAROF!
Value for cash money: Good.
Availability: United States of America.
Nutrition?: Per 1.75 oz. (50 gram) bar: 240 calories, 12 grams of fat, 85 mg of sodium, 1 gram of fibre, 4 grams of protein.
Cream of tartar?: Yes, it’s on the ingredients list. Wacky!
The verdict: Really good. I’d happily buy these if they were available locally. It helps that I’ve got a soft spot for maple.