When we launched NEAROF! back in 2010, the idea was to keep at it for a year and see where it went. Well, it’s eight years later and we’re still humming along, but we haven’t done anything with the design […]
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Review: Orange Sorbet Coca-Cola
It’s been a good year anyone who enjoys different flavour offshoots of the standard Coca-Cola brands. Cherry Coke Zero seems to be back again in limited quantities (for how long?), the Diet Coke line has been relaunched with a bunch […]
Food Fight: Aero vs. Mirage chocolate bars
The food world can be strange at times. Mergers and acquisitions can create strange bedfellows, with junk food companies owning health food brands, and competing products in the same category somehow winding up under the same roof. And so it […]
Review: Nescafé Sweet and Creamy Original
K-Cups. Those awful little capsules that cost way too much (which you’d know if you could do basic math, which, statistically speaking, you probably can’t), weigh on the conscience of anyone who thinks about future generations who’ll be stuck on […]
Review: Reese Big Cup Stuffed with Pieces
When faced with the unenviable convenience-store dilemma of choosing between Reese Peanut Butter Cups and Reese’s Pieces, your choice, until recently, has been an unsatisfactory “pick one or buy both.” What kind of horrible world do we live in? Is […]
Review: Kerr’s Maple Kisses
Around our house, maple syrup coats our pancakes, sweetens our smoky chipotle chili and mingles with lemon on our standby oven-roasted baby potatoes. I try not to be caught without a bottle of the stuff in the fridge. Why? Because […]
Around the Web: Millennials rejecting processed food?
There was an interesting story in last Saturday’s National Post about young’uns rejecting processed food, and the impact it’s been having on the food industry. It’s certainly worth a read, if you haven’t seen it yet. At the core of […]
Experiment: Writing a Letter for Nutritional Information (Updated!)
While writing the last review I posted for Tic Tac Mixers, I noticed there was a lack of nutritional information on the package. Being a modern gentleman, I responded to this information deficit by googling Tic Tac Mixers. This returned […]