I quite like the St. Ambroise pale ale made by Montreal’s McAuslan Brewing, a beer that grew on me during repeated visits to Quebec. From watching shows in makeshift venues at Pop Montreal to reading the paper at Ziggy’s on […]
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Experiment: Organic blue agave nectar as coffee sweetener
When it comes to calories and coffee, it’s the extras that’ll get you. While coffee itself is almost calorie-neutral, the amount of milk and sugar you add can take a mug of brewed coffee from a handful of calories to […]
Review: Orville Redenbacher Smart Pop Buttery 100-calorie microwave popcorn
For the past four years, the last place I wanted to be on a summer evening was inside my apartment. My old place – now reduced to a hole in the ground and several dumpsters worth of splintered timber – […]
Review: Jamaican Jerk Chicken potato chips
I love wacky potato chip flavours, and this Jamaican Jerk Chicken flavour from President’s Choice intrigued the hell out of me. The Look: The big white President’s Choice bag shows a delicious looking plate of Caribbean food, including beans, a […]
Review: Fruiti Bears organic vegan sour gummies
Gelatin makes vegetarians cry. It’s everywhere you don’t want it to be, especially if you like candy. In ingredient list after ingredient list, it pops up and spoils the party. It’s in some gums, just about every marshmallow ever made, […]
Review: Anchor Brewing Liberty Ale
I hate to say this, but some Canadians get a bit smug about American beer. “Budweiser?” they say. “You call that beer?” They then descend into a misinformed tirade about American beer being weak, tasteless, and only adequate when served […]
Recipe: Blueberry Pancakes
It’s Canada Day, and it’s also a long weekend. Instead of passing out and doing nothing until the fireworks start, why not start your day with some very Canadian blueberry pancakes? This recipe is my own personal tried-and-tested variation of […]
Review: General Tao Chicken potato chips
Take potato chips and combine them with General Tao chicken, a staple of North American Chinese food, and what do you get? An OK chip that doesn’t quite hit the mark. Part of the President’s Choice World of Flavours line […]