Who doesn’t remember the coffee vending machine at the skating rink or swimming pool, serving up mediocre hot beverages for parents to sip on while passing the time with the newspaper, waiting for little Betty to finish hockey/swimming lessons. In […]
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Review: Morinaga Mixed Drops
I know the name Morinaga for one simple reason: it’s the company behind Hi-Chew, a marvellous line of gummy yogurt fruit candies that can be found in the sugary snacks aisle of well-stocked Asian grocery stores. I adore Hi-Chew, so […]
Review: Chocolate Cheerios
Regular Cheerios do nothing for me. Honey Nut Cheerios are a childhood favourite. Apple Cinnamon Cheerios are that strange also-ran flavour that I’ve never had a concrete opinion on. But what about Chocolate Cheerios, the latest addition to the Cheerios […]
Review: Bolthouse Farms’ Green Goodness juice
If there’s a juice that looks more disgusting than Bolthouse Farms’ Green Goodness, I haven’t met it yet. It’s a vile colour of swamp-water green, like liquid from an algae-filled fish pond blended with lawn clippings. If you were going […]
Gear: Cuisinart Griddler, first look
A couple of months ago, our household George Foreman Grill gave up the lean, mean ghost. It couldn’t be saved. We mourned its loss, and we took it as a sign – it was time to trade up to a […]
Review: Liberté Mediterranée wild blackberry yogurt
Somewhere along the way, yogurt went from delicious, nutritious food to processed pseudo-food, a scientific experiment that spiralled out of control. See, bad things happen when you start counting calories obsessively. When faced with two yogurts on a dairy-case shelf, […]
Review: Veggie Patch Broccoli Bites with cheese
I like cooked broccoli. I like cheese. I like breaded fried foods. And so, it seems only natural that I’d like these Veggie Patch Broccoli Bites with cheese. The Look: Like chicken nuggets, minus the chicken. There’s no attempt at […]
Review: Aunt Trudy’s cheese and tomato pizza fillo pocket sandwich
Ladies and gentlemen, the gentrification of the pizza pocket continues. From the greasy, doughy freezer-case junk food that populates dorm-room mini-fridges across the continent, to the much-more-adult, respectable calzone, pocket pizza comes in many varieties. Yet another curious high-brow variant? […]