How many times have you said to yourself, “Damn, self. I sure love toast, but I hate accidentally electrocuting myself when I remove a slice from the toaster with a fork. Isn’t there … a BETTER WAY?” Yes, my […]
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Review: Stride Spark vitamin chewing gum
Vitamin fortification has long been the domain of things like flour, breakfast cereal, milk, soy milk and various energy bars. But chewing gum? I’ve seen strange gum gimmicks, but seriously, what the hell? The Pitch: “An excellent source of vitamin […]
Review: Kettle Chips Baked honey hickory barbeque chips
I’m having a REALLY hard time trying to figure out how someone is supposed to bake chips in a kettle, but maybe that’s just me. In any event, these new honey-hickory-barbeque baked Kettle Brand chips have been around at Planet […]
Review: MaraNatha Dark Chocolate Peanut Spread
Continuing an oft-revisited theme here at NEAROF!, I fell victim to the inescapable draw of a grocery store end-unit display. This time, it was a shelf full of MaraNatha Dark Chocolate Peanut Spread at Planet Organic that did me in. […]
Review: Duchy Originals organic shortbread
Another jolly good find in the new British import section at Hub Cigar in Edmonton. Shortbread is one of my guilty pleasures (I usually make a big batch around Christmas), and I have a soft spot for organics. Easy sell. […]
Review: Jell-O Strawberry Cheesecake dessert cups
Who doesn’t love strawberry cheesecake? Rich cream cheese, strawberry topping and a graham cracker crust? Heaven. Why I thought Jell-O’s Strawberry Cheesecake dessert cups would meet any of those criteria is beyond me. First off, there’s no graham cracker crust […]
Review: Nut Goodie chocolate bar
Another treat from south of the border, Pearson’s Nut Goodie bar has been around since 1912, and is apparently not available in Canada. Too bad, that. The Look: The Nut Goodie packaging is beautifully old-school, with a “Made in the […]
Review: Ruffles Loaded Chili & Cheese potato chips
This bag of Ruffles Loaded Chili & Cheese potato chips made its way to NEAROF! HQ in Canada from its native habitat in the United States of America. The Look: The image on the bag looks both delicious and disgusting. […]