I’m not sure when or how Poppycock became a festive family tradition in my household, but it’s been a staple for as long as I can remember. Every Christmas, there’s usually at least a tin of it kicking around, usually […]
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Review: Say When Authentic Chai Concentrate
We’re going to do this review backwards today, so let me start right up front with the taste. Say When Authentic Chai Concentrate is both basic — no fancy extras — and classic at the same time. The combination of […]
Review: Wheat Crunch
If you grew up in Alberta in the 90s, there’s a good chance you remember Wheat Crunch. It was popular at my school, a regular find at the grocery store, and, if my memory isn’t faulty, even served in little […]
Review: Clearly Canadian Blackberry Sparkling Water Beverage
I will forever associate Clearly Canadian drinks with family road trips, as we’d find the distinctive glass bottles in gas station fridges along the way to wherever we were headed. Whether in Gasoline Alley in Red Deer, or at one […]
Review: SugarSin Sparkling Rosé Gummies
Prices are a complicated motivator. It’s easy to be drawn to a cheap bag of treats, but it’s also almost just as easy (at least for me) to be entranced by a candy that is strangely expensive for what it […]
Review: Brookside Merlot Grape and Black Currant Flavours chocolates
I’ve already reviewed a different flavour of these little candies from Brookside (“A Division of Hershey Canada,” for what it’s worth), and I both liked them and found them misleading. They show fruit on the bag in a way that […]
Review: Blackberry Bubly sparkling water
As someone who spent many childhood summers with family on Vancouver Island, I have a lot of life experience with blackberries. Ripe, freshly picked blackberries are spectacular, with sweet, sticky, jammy flavours that are utterly unlike the taste of the […]
Arbitrary: Girl Guide Cookies vs. Global Pandemic
Every year, Canadian Girl Guides sell boxes of packaged cookies to raise money for their group activities, which often involve nature, camping and other inspiring outings designed to help empower girls to be smart, active citizens who care for their […]