Growing up, I was very familiar with perogies. My next door neighbour in Winnipeg was an kind, elderly woman of Ukrainian descent, and she would regularly bring over Safeway bags full of homemade perogies. The fillings of choice in these […]
Freshly Squeezed Content ...
Has it been a year of NEAROF! already?
It’s kind of amazing to think this site has been up and running for a year. I’ll admit I wasn’t sure what to expect when it launched, but with more than 160 posts so far and readers from more than […]
Review: Nestle Carnation hot chocolate mix
Well, it’s Halloween. In the off chance you’re not completely put off by everything chocolate by the end of the night, why not warm up with a mug of hot cocoa to mark the end of another ghoulish evening full […]
Review: Miss Vickie’s Balsamic Vinegar and Sweet Onion potato chips
I came late in life to balsamic vinegar, but I’ve grown to adore it. I’m also a long-time fan of salt and vinegar chips, something we used to get on Hot Dog Day at my Winnipeg elementary school, along with […]
How To: Pick Halloween candy, NEAROF! style
Halloween is right around the corner, and you haven’t stocked up on Halloween candy yet. It happens. We won’t judge. But you might want a few candy selection tips before heading out to your local grocery store, and we’re here […]
Review: Ikea Dryck Nypon rosehip drink
I have happy childhood memories of picking rosehips, the shrivelled little berries that grow on rose bushes in the fall, after the flowers have wilted and died. They can be used to make jellies, syrup and, apparently, a drink that […]
Review: Wild Rose Brewery Velvet Fog
Cloudy beer scares most North Americans. Why? Who knows. Maybe folks here are so used to micro-filtered megabrews that they can’t fathom beers you can’t see through. Even wheat beers, a category where all sorts of amazing beers are murky […]
Review: Panago Veggie Korma Indian pizza
Vegetarians are used to limited pizza choices. In a pizza party setting with only a token vegetarian or two, a sympathetic host will either order a “vegetarian” special (tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, maybe olives, etc.) or a cheese pizza. It’s always […]