Is it just me, or does Crystal Light have a stigma attached to it? To me, it speaks of dieting and swimsuit-season desperation. Yeah, I used to buy it from time to time, but I always found it tasted of […]
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Review: American Vintage Hard Iced Tea
While I don’t mind a glass of sweet iced tea from time to time, occasionally spiked with a wee bit of vodka for weekend sipping, it’s not typically a drink I reach for on a regular basis. But an intriguing […]
Arbitrary: So, you’re a vegetarian. Why buy a BBQ?
I’m a pretty half-hearted carnivore. Sure, I like the occasional steak (cooked to well done), and I quite like kebabs, satay, souvlaki, shawarma, donair, gyro, and all manner of marinated chicken breasts, especially cooked on a grill. And chicken tikka? […]
Review: Sunny Boy Buttermilk Pancake Mix
This is it. My first ever Stampede. While I have it on good authority that it is possible to eat a free dignitary-flipped hotcake breakfast every day for the duration of Stampede, I know there will be days when I […]
Review: Red Racer India Pale Ale
I’d heard great things about Red Racer India Pale Ale from beer-loving friends, but my first sip of the stuff was at Bottlescrew Bill’s, a great Calgary watering hole that caters to the seriously beer-obsessed. How good was it? Here’s […]
Review: Cadbury BiscBits Honeycomb Crunch
Another week, and another mission to my amazing neighbourhood U.K. import shop, British Pantry. So many boxes brimming with temptations, both sweet and savoury, yet so little time/treasure. This trip, I brought back a small bag of Cadbury BiscBits, a […]
Review: Dutch Gourmet Honey Dijon Vinaigrette Potato Chips
I first spotted these new Dutch Gourmet potato chips at Safeway a few months ago, but managed to summon the willpower to keep myself from buying them. After all, did I really need another potato chip to be hooked on? […]
Review: Alley Kat Aprikat beer
During the winter months, I gravitate toward big, heavy, complicated beers, with lots of roasty, toasty, malty flavour. It’s the liquid equivalent of curling up under a nice, comfortable blanket with a good book while a roaring fire blazes on […]