Yes, I know this website is usually all about the glories of eating yummy things, and that calories are often of secondary importance compared to flavour. But you’ll notice I generally try to list nutritional information when it’s readily available. […]
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Food Fight: Chips for NYE
Last month, I wrote about a type of chips that was sort of interesting, but didn’t blow me out of the water. So many chips – especially new flavours – are lacking something in the taste department, and are promptly […]
Recipe: Simple Spiced Apple Cider
Near as our calendar app can tell us, it’s Christmas Eve. That means it’s time to hunker down in front of the fireplace, snuggle up with your special someone, and enjoy a warm mug of spiced apple cider. This recipe, […]
Review: Angry Birds Fruit Gummies candy
Ah, promotional tie-ins. As if Angry Birds isn’t on enough stuff already – T-shirts, toys, and just about anything else you can slap a logo on – I found these Angry Birds gummies near the till at my local Calgary […]
Review: San Pellegrino drinks
Is it just me, or did San Pellegrino’s near ubiquity come out of nowhere? It wasn’t long ago that you’d typically only find San Pellegrino fruit beverages at coffee shops and Italian restaurants, stocked either to please clients who remember […]
NEAROF!’s 3rd Annual Christmas Gift General Ideas
It’s that time of year again, isn’t it? It’s hard to believe this is the third annual NEAROF! gift guide. Every year, it’s getting harder to write this thing, probably because I’ve included all sorts of great stuff in prior […]
Review: Planters Old Fashioned Peanut Brittle
Goodie! It’s that time of year again when a few hundred square feet of every grocery store becomes a temporary enclave of Christmas snacks, full of icy squares, Turtles and Toblerone bars the size of fence posts. I can’t say […]
Review: Mrs. Crimble’s Large Choc Macaroons
I adore macarons, but what about macaroons? Compared to the dainty French treat, macaroons are much more down-home, red-state fare. There’s no fancy flair, no colourful pretensions, no curious flavours. (Rose? Lavender? Salted caramel brulée? Yummy, yes, but decidedly more […]