There’s something great about packaging that makes you say, “Amazing. Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?” For every 500 impossible-to-open plastic clamshell packaging nightmares, someone does something brilliant that makes me smile. Often, that company is Apple. This week, […]
Freshly Squeezed Content ...
Review: Sconza Lemoncello Almonds
I found these Sconza Lemoncello Almonds at a London Drugs in Calgary around Christmas time, but it’s taken me a while to get around to reviewing them. Now that I’ve tried these little yellow bundles of sweet, creamy, lemony joy, […]
Review: Vitasoy Quinoa beverage, vanilla flavour
Is there anything they won’t milk? In the past couple years, I’ve sipped cow milk, almond milk, rice milk, soy milk … and those are just the milks I remember. But quinoa milk? This was new to me. If you […]
Review: Kirkland House Blend “Roasted by Starbucks” coffee
Unless you have a reasonably tuned palate, a very large number of Starbucks coffees taste pretty much the same. It’s not the fault of the beans, no sir. It’s all about the Starbucks roasting process, which, in the traditional Starbucks […]
Arbitrary: Beer Economics 101 – The Growler Bar
I’m not sure how common these are outside of Alberta, but in the past few months, I’ve seen a couple new growler bars freshly installed at liquor stores in this province. I found one at the massive new Wine and […]
Arbitrary: Why I bake bread
Bread is cheap. For a little more than a buck, I can buy a sale-priced loaf of basic white bread at my local grocery store. If I boost my budget to a couple of bucks, my choices increase. And for […]
Healthy January: Café harm reduction
Weight gain is a funny thing. Over time, it’s the little habits that add up to become big problems. The small daily indulgence can turn into a long-term calorie splurge. Counting calories, which I talked about in the last two […]
Healthy January: More calorie counting tips
I’ve learned quite a few things about keeping track of calories during the times I’ve actively counted calories. Here are some additional tips if you decide to give calorie counting a try. – Processed foods make life easy: While […]