These candies are just so downright subversive, aren’t they? Take açai – a buzzy, health-food-store darling of a berry – and, instead of creating some sort of $7 meal replacement bar for hippies turned investment bankers, drench the hell out […]
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Food Fight: International Delight vs. Starbucks Frappuccino cold coffee beverages
As far as I’m concerned, Starbucks popularized the cold, sweet, milky coffee market, and brought it into the mainstream. Sure, some of us knew about Mr. Brown Iced Coffee before the Frappuccino landed, and other products innovated long before Starbucks […]
Review: Jelly Belly Chocolate Dips
I like Jelly Belly jelly beans enough to be able to pick my way around the nasty flavours in a bowl of assorted beans. Popcorn? Yuck. Same with just about all the “creamy” ones. And yet these new Dips Jelly […]
Review: Pop Shoppe Got the Blues Raspberry
Some brands thrive, other brands die, and yet others die then come back to life. Such is the case with Pop Shoppe, a soda brand that went flat, fizzled out, etc., in the 1980s, then was brought back from the […]
Food Fight: U.K. vs. Canadian Smarties candy
You learn strange things when you start asking questions. It was during a visit to British Pantry, Calgary’s most delightful U.K. import shop, that I noticed a small selection of British Easter sweets, including Cadbury Crème Eggs. Being naturally inquisitive, […]
Review: Starbucks Refreshers
When I first heard about Starbucks Refreshers, I probably groaned. I can’t remember my exact response, though if I know myself, I probably lamented the concept as the latest in a moderately long line of transgressions that Starbucks has committed […]
Review: Safeway Croissant Doughnuts
[fblike] [fbshare] [twitter] [pinterest] With all the recent talk of cronuts – a Brangelina-style portmanteau for croissant donuts – racking up buzz and clicks on the internet, I felt compelled to share with you a treat of similar name that […]
Review: Russell Stover “No Sugar Added” Strawberry Cream candies
Candies and chocolates that proudly proclaim themselves to be “no sugar added” intrigue me. Even though I’d had plenty of childhood run-ins with Sorbee hard candies from the neighbourhood health food store, I’d largely forgotten about the parallel world of […]