Trident Layers gum is like a regular stick of Trident chewing gum, but with a layer of favour goo in the middle that holds the other two layers together. It’s like a sandwich, but where each slice of bread is […]
Review: Coke in glass bottles
Different people have different mental associations with Coca-Cola. For me, it’s a trip in a bottle to my favourite local watering hole in Koubri, Burkina Faso. Sweltering heat, choking dust storms, and non-stop honking and scooter exhaust can wear down […]
Review: Kashi Raspberry Chocolate granola bars
A whole lot of granola bars are little more than glorified chocolate bars sold with a healthy spin designed to make parents feel better about sending their kid to school with a lump of sugar wrapped in foil plastic. The […]
Food Fight: Egg Nog vs. Noel Nog
In recent years, a cousin of egg nog, So Nice’s soy-based Noel Nog, has popped up next to its from-cows counterpart. For a brief period every year, it becomes an everyday replacement for the other soy milk in my life, […]
Food Fight: Egg Nog Classic, Original and Light
I’ve often been baffled by hair spray naming conventions. Instead of a nice linear sequence – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, say – the choices usually amount to the following: extra hold, maximum hold, ultra hold, mega hold, double-plus hold. Which one’s hold is strongest? Which one is least likely to leave someone’s hair floppy on retro ’80s night? Oddly, the seasonal world of egg nog isn’t all that different.
How To: Make a pot of Frankenblend coffee
We’ve all been there. There are four different bags of coffee left on the coffee shelf in your pantry. That Starbucks Ethiopian Sidamo, a little Transcend Coffee Kenya Kiamabara, some Kona you picked up on vacation. Each one only has […]
Review: Blueberry Muffin Mini-Wheats
Kudos to the Kellogg’s Mini-Wheats people for specificity in flavour naming. The easy road would have been to call their new flavour blueberry, but they chose the more precise blueberry muffin. Why? For good reason. Do they taste like blueberries? […]
Review: Silk True Almond Dark Chocolate almond milk
Soy milk divides people. Some swear by it, others hate it. As much as I enjoy the stuff, soy milk doesn’t taste like cow’s milk. Soy milk tastes like soy milk, and soy milk is an acquired taste. Sorry, soy […]