When I try to cut back on my calories during part of the day (saving up for a big meal later on, say), it’s often not hunger that gets to me. Instead, it’s a hankering for a specific flavour, something […]
Junk food
Review: Safeway Bakery Counter light fruitcake slice
Fruitcake doesn’t do anything for me. I think. See, I can’t say I’ve had all that much fruitcake in my life. Like many people, I tried it once or twice years ago, decided I didn’t like it, then neglected to […]
Book Review: Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us, by Michael Moss
I will admit to a certain amount of soul-searching about my role running and writing for this website. Any thinking person with a basic understanding of nutrition can’t look at a modern supermarket without at least some measure of horror. […]
Review: Popchips Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips
After the deliciousness that was the Katy Perry kettle-corn style Popchips I sampled a couple months back, I thought I’d try another Popchips flavour. As someone who is genuinely trying to keep calories and overall food consumption in check, the […]
Review: Hawaiian Host Macadamias Glazed with Kona Coffee
In the deepest days of an Alberta winter, I allow myself to fantasize about sunny places with beautiful beaches, Starbucks patios sheltered by the shade of palm trees, and easy access to the Sunday New York Times. I know some […]
Review: Awake caffeinated chocolate bar
Finally, at long last, a chocolate bar for the student cram session. Not only can you satisfy your snack-craving with an Awake chocolate bar, but you can also get a caffeine jolt equivalent to drinking about 3 cans (355 mL […]
Review: Mariani Vanilla Flavoured Yogurt Raisins
I’ve been nearly tempted into buying these for over a year, as I keep seeing them near the grocery store produce section when I’m hunting for Craisins or dried blueberries. I finally buckled and bought a bag. I’m usually a […]
Review: Maple Bacon Kettle Chips
Before I go any further, let me bring forward an example of the profound absurdity of the universe: I found these oily, sweet, salty, smoky potato chips at PLANET ORGANIC – after many years of moderating asinine online comments as […]