A couple of months ago, our household George Foreman Grill gave up the lean, mean ghost. It couldn’t be saved. We mourned its loss, and we took it as a sign – it was time to trade up to a […]
Experiment: Organic blue agave nectar as coffee sweetener
When it comes to calories and coffee, it’s the extras that’ll get you. While coffee itself is almost calorie-neutral, the amount of milk and sugar you add can take a mug of brewed coffee from a handful of calories to […]
Behind the Assignment: Fire station BBQ for the Edmonton Journal
When working on a story, there’s a whole lot of stuff that never makes it into the paper. There’s only so much room, and sometimes things just don’t fit. While writing about the curious love/hate relationship firefighters have with barbecues, […]
Company’s Coming, newspapers, and the byline rush
Given enough time, deadlines and stories churned out, plenty of writers turn cynical about what they do. The repetition of shuffling words from brain to screen by way of fingers, day after day, is a tedious process far less romantic […]
Experiment: Chilling beer in the great outdoors
It’s New Year’s Eve, and some of your thoughtful pals have brought over several cases of beer as an offering of festive cheer. Problem is, there’s no room in the fridge, and you’re looking to enjoy the brewskis sooner rather […]
NEAROF!’s Christmas Gift General Ideas 2010
Admit it. By January 1st, you’re going to be five pounds heavier than you were a month earlier. Why? Because the holiday season is full of food and non-stop cooking and baking. It’s also a time for giving and receiving […]
Review: Blueberry Muffin Mini-Wheats
Kudos to the Kellogg’s Mini-Wheats people for specificity in flavour naming. The easy road would have been to call their new flavour blueberry, but they chose the more precise blueberry muffin. Why? For good reason. Do they taste like blueberries? […]
Welcome to NEAROF!
It’s been a while coming, and not all the kinks are worked out yet, but we’re live and we’re happy to be here. Thanks for visiting. So, what is NEAROF exactly? It’s the Not Entirely Arbitrary Review of Food, a […]